January 27, 2025

The Daily Mimic

Satire of the utmost quality and absurdity

As mask mandates go away, Karens worry about losing newfound power

With more states easing pandemic restrictions, Karens across the nation are worried that their power to boss and shame total strangers in public could be at risk.

“We’ve called a gathering of the Karens, to discuss this threat to our power structure,” said Karen Ericson, leader of the local Knoxville, Tenessee branch of Karens Against Stupid Americans.

“Without us, how will a single dad know that he can’t take 11 items in the 10 items or less checkout while his three kids are screaming like banshees?” quipped Karen. “And what about not wearing 8 masks when out in public? Who will browbeat insolate Walmart workers who refuse to honor expired coupons for a cup of yogurt? America needs us to enforce that.”

Karens throughout the country have planned to stage rallies and protests at local Targets, McDonald’s, and little league baseball games.

“America won’t rest until everyone obeys every single rule – real or made up by us!” yelled one Karen as she threatened to call the police on our reporter for not maintaining 6 feet from the crowd, only wearing two masks, and using a pen without rubber gloves.