January 27, 2025

The Daily Mimic

Satire of the utmost quality and absurdity

Ice cream brand Rainbow Scoop slammed for not being inclusive enough

American ice cream company, Rainbow Scoop, is under pressure to expand its flavor spectrum after consumers labeled its limited color range as xenophobic and prejudice.“There aren’t enough colors!” shouted Phillip as they brushed his pink fringe around her ear. “How are oppressed minorities expected to feel welcome if they only have 3 different shades of orange to choose from?!”

Rainbow Scoop’s standard serving contains 5 different colors. When questioned about this, caucasian ice cream shop owner Bradley Simmons defended the store’s right to embrace its systemic racism.“There aren’t enough flavors in existence to match all the colors in that pride flag! Have you seen it lately? Every week they add a new color, the ice cream industry can’t keep up!”

Until Rainbow Scoop admits its discriminatory motives, sells its assets, and donates all funds to minority groups, social justice activists have vowed to boycott the businesses and deter customers from supporting the supremacist desserts.“We’re gonna keep protesting until they queer up their menu,” said Philip. “If they can’t add more colors, they should at least remove vanilla!”