January 26, 2025

The Daily Mimic

Satire of the utmost quality and absurdity

The White House debuts state-of-the-art upgrade to Air Force One

After Joe Biden took a scary tumble trying to board Air Force One while in Alaska, the White House has debuted a state-of-the-art upgrade to overcome those pesky stairs.

“We were a bit nervous about implementing the change since it’s so progressive and advanced. We weren’t sure how the American people would react. But we’re confident that everyone will be excited about the Stairlifts we’ve installed on all aircraft that President Biden will fly on,” said Press Secretary Psaki.

“It really is a brilliant move,” commented Chuck Schumer. “We all know how difficult it is to climb stairs. 12,000 Americans die from stair-related injuries every year. It really is a crisis.”

The lift comes with a heated seat, five-point harness, bulletproof shielding, and beer holder. White House staffers also revealed that the lift is safe in winds up to 35 mph.

1 thought on “The White House debuts state-of-the-art upgrade to Air Force One

  1. If he can’t walk then that makes 1 more thing to add to the list of cannot do. The list keeps getting longer pretty soon Harris and Pelosi will have him exactly where they want him, then they have everything where they want it.
    ( This is just my Opinion )

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