October 16, 2024

The Daily Mimic

Satire of the utmost quality and absurdity

Wrath of God falls on CPAC for worshipping golden Trump idol

Mass destruction was wrought upon the 2021 CPAC in Orlando, Florida after the Almighty poured out His wrath on the gathering for worshipping a golden Donald Trump Idol.

“It was like nothing I’ve seen before. One minute, they were burning incense and making sacrifices to the idol – you know, typical MAGA stuff – and the next, the earth split open and swallowed people whole,” said a clearly shaken Ted Cruz.

Witnesses on the scene reported “real Old Testament kind of stuff” overcoming the convention center. After one large group fell into the fiery abyss, a sudden plague enveloped the rest of the convention, with hundreds of attendees screaming out in pain as they were instantly covered in boils and sores.

“We’ve somehow failed Trump! He has become angry,” screamed one poor soul as his flesh blistered.

Thankfully for Trump, he was late getting to the convention center after having a difficult time on the 8th hole at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The GOP quickly released a presser blaming Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for the disaster.

AOC was quick to point out that the event proved that climate change was real.